Vendor: Cisco
Exam Code: 500-265
Exam Name: Advanced Security Architecture for System Engineers
Version: DEMO
You can pass Cisco 500-265 exam if you get a complete hold of 500-265 brain dumps in Lead2pass .what’s more, all the 500-265 Certification exams Q and A provided by Lead2pass is the latest.
Cisco Secure Access Solutions delivers a secure connection to a continually growing number of endpoints. This statement is an example of which Cisco value?
A. time-to-value
B. protection
C. control
D. scalability
E. flexibility
F. agility
Answer: E
Which feature is a primary feature of Cisco AnyConnect?
A. role-based policy management
B. context-aware access
C. secure and flexible remote access
D. SSL decryption
Answer: C
On average, how many pieces of new malware are created every second?
A. one
B. four
C. 20
D. 100
Answer: B
Which component of Cisco network security is updated after an attack to help prevent threats before they encounter the network again?
A. Cisco site-to-site VPN
B. Cisco Identity and Access Control
C. Cisco Email Security
D. Cisco Web Security Appliance
E. Sourcefire Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System
F. Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall
G. Cisco Security Intelligence Operations
Answer: G
Which component of Cisco network security builds on basic firewall capabilities by adding web filtering, web email controls, and Cisco Application Visibility and Control?
A. Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Networks
B. Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall
C. Sourcefire Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System
D. Cisco Web Security Appliance
Answer: B
Which VPN offering removes the need for point-to-point GRE tunnels?
A. standard IPsec VPN
B. Cisco Easy VPN
C. Cisco GRE-based VPN
D. Cisco DMVPN
E. Cisco GET VPN
Answer: E
Which feature of the Cisco security appliance provides "who-what-where-when-how" information about any requests for network access?
A. basic management
B. web application controls
C. authorized access
D. Cisco Application Visibility and Control
E. context awareness
Answer: E
Which Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall service restricts websites and web application usage based on the reputation of the site?
A. Cisco Web Security Appliance
B. Cisco Web Security Essentials
C. Intelligent Detection
D. Authorized Access
E. SSL Decryption
Answer: B
If you want to get more 500-265 exam preparation material,you can download the free demos in PDF files on Lead2pass.It would be great help for you exam.Wish you pass the exam successfully.