[Newest Version] Best Lead2pass SAP C_BOBIP_41 PDF Dumps With New Update Exam Questions (1-10)

By | August 12, 2016

2016 August SAP Official New Released C_BOBIP_41 Q&As in Lead2pass.com!

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Lead2pass dumps for C_BOBIP_41 exam are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, provided by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. We guarantee the best quality and accuracy of our products. We hope you pass the exams successfully with our practice test. With our SAP C_BOBIP_41 practice test, you will pass your exam easily at the first attempt. You can also enjoy 365 days free update for your product.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-bobip-41.html

You change the title of a Crystal Reports object using the Central Management Console.
Where is this change reflected?

A.    In the report file stored on the Input File Repository Server
B.    In the log file of the Crystal Reports Processing Server
C.    On the Central Management Server system database
D.    In the report file stored in the Business Intelligence Archive Resource file

Answer: C

Your report has more records than the value set for "Database Records Read When Previewing or Refreshing" on the Crystal Reports Processing Server.
What happens when you refresh the report from the BI launch pad?

A.    The report returns partial results without a warning message.
B.    A user is prompted to edit the report.
C.    The report returns partial results with a warning message.
D.    An error message is displayed.

Answer: D

Where is the configuration information for processing servers stored?

A.    Input File Repository Server
B.    System database
C.    Bootstrap file
D.    Win32_x86 directory

Answer: B

Which tool do you use to configure the Audit Data Store?

A.    Repository Diagnostic Tool
B.    Wdeploy
C.    Upgrade Management Tool
D.    Central Management Console

Answer: D

How does the system behave if you have an Idle Connection Timeout setting on the Crystal Reports Cache Server that differs from the setting on the Crystal Reports Processing Server?

A.    If the setting on the Cache Server is higher than on the Processing Server, this will cause excessive consumption of disk space.
B.    If the setting on the Cache Server is lower than on the Processing Server, a user request
could be closed prematurely.
C.    If the setting on the Cache Server is higher than on the Processing Server, this could cause
a memory overflow error.
D.    If the setting on the Cache Server is lower than on the Processing Server, the data source connection could be closed prematurely.

Answer: B

On a production system landscape, you need to perform maintenance on a host that is currently running scheduled jobs.
What action should you perform on the Adaptive Job Server before shutting down the host?

A.    Disable
B.    Force Termination
C.    Restart
D.    Enable

Answer: A

Which actions does the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) perform during start-up?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.    Connect to the Auditing Data Store
B.    Request a list of servers to manage
C.    Start the Web Application Server
D.    Start the servers configured to start automatically

Answer: BD

Which server can you use for searching on data, filtering, and aggregation?

A.    Explorer Search Server
B.    Explorer Indexing Server
C.    Explorer Master Server
D.    Explorer Exploration Server

Answer: D

A user schedules a document.
When the schedule time is reached, the Central Management Server assigns the request to a job server.
Which task is performed by the job server as the next step in the process flow?

A.    Receive a copy of the document from the Input File Repository Server.
B.    Send a copy of the document to the processing server.
C.    Send the instance to the Output File Repository Server.
D.    Retrieve data from the data source.

Answer: A

A user views a page in a Crystal report that exists on a cache server.
Which server receives the page from the cache server?

A.    Crystal Reports Processing Server
B.    Input File Repository Server
C.    Output File Repository Server
D.    Web Application Server

Answer: D

We offer standard exam questions of SAP C_BOBIP_41 practice test. The standard exams are important if you have never taken a real exam. The accuracy of the Q&As are fully guaranteed and the number is enough to impact you passing the exam.

C_BOBIP_41 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDTEUzNmtacG9lS2s

2016 SAP C_BOBIP_41 exam dumps (All 90 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

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